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JPIC statement

To understand justice, peace and the integrity of creation, (JPIC) it is essential once again to recall that they are, above all, values. They are a spirituality. JPIC arises from a spirituality centred in God’s plan for LIFE for all creation, and we are invited to collaborate in this project. It is nourished by discovery of the compassionate and merciful face of God in Jesus. This God is revealed in history and encountered in the reality of people and things around us. It blossoms from a desire to follow Jesus with compassion, in a world that is unjust, broken and violent. It arises from the need to discern the signs of life that the Spirit is birthing today. While this is true for Christians in general, for us as Franciscans JPIC is an element and dimension of our charism. The values of JPIC have been present in our Order since its beginning because they are values of the spirituality of Francis.

These values cannot simply remain on paper. They must be addressed in concrete ways in our daily lives. The task becomes more difficult in a world that is increasingly complex and violent.

Drawn from ‘Guidelines for the Animation of Creation, Justice and Peace (JPIC)’ from the Order of Friars Minor, Rome, 2009.

Mystery of God
Heartbeat of the universe,
centre of spirited change and rebirth;
we glorify your ways:
the ways of dignity and justice,
the ways of love for all creatures,
the ways of caring for the earth.

Let us be simple in our needs,
showing compassion for our neighbour,
sharing generously what we have,
letting go our hurts and fears.

For in you we find peace,
in you we find hope,
and in you we find courage,
now and forever, Amen.

(Jenny Blood; used with permission)

JPIC Resources
A Rocha Aotearoa New Zealand
A Rocha Aotearoa New Zealand is part of the A Rocha family of Christian environmental conservation organizations which focus on environmental science and research, practical nature conservation, environmental education, creation care and advocacy through a variety of programmes and initiatives.

Learn more about them here:

JPIC Newsletters
A list of the currently available JPIC newsletters, in a PDF format.
(Left Click to Download / Right Click to View).


CJP Newsletter 1 – Advent 2016
CJP Newsletter 2 – February 2017
CJP Newsletter 3 – Spring 2017
CJP Newsletter 4 – Autumn 2018
CJP Newsletter 5 – Spring 2018

JPIC Report to Chapter 2017

Download PDF
Tuesday 12 June 2018

JPIC Advent 2019
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Posted: Thursday 12 December 2019